My name is Kevin Dang and I am a Computational Scientist at Bayer in
the Oncology Data Analytics and Statistical Sciences division. I
obtained my Master of Science from the University of Toronto in 2022,
where I was a former Teaching Assistant for graduate and undergraduate
courses in data science and statistics. My hobbies include calisthenics,
table tennis, piano, building LEGO sets, video games.
Teaching Assistantships
Summer 2022
- STA303:
Methods of Data Analysis II
- Instructor: Justin Slater
Winter 2022
- CHL5202: Biostatistics II (graduate level
- Instructors: Kevin Thorpe, Charles Keown-Stoneman
- EEB125:
Introductory Computation and Data Science for the Life and Physical
- Instructors: Paul Gries, Nathan Taback, Caroline Parins-Fukuchi
- STA238: Probability, Statistics and Data
Analysis II
- Instructor: Karen Huynh Wong
Fall 2021
- STA237: Probability, Statistics and Data
Analysis I
- Instructor: Selvakkadunko Selvaratnam